One of the most common reasons anyone uses anabolic androgenic steroids is for the purpose of leaning out and cutting up. With this being a common primary purpose there is a strong desire to ensure you’re using the best fat loss steroids available. Not only are the introduction to fat loss steroids important to you in achieving this purpose but so are the performance enhancing drugs (PED’s) you will add in addition.
Let’s be very clear on one important factor regarding anabolic androgenic steroids; while they may possess fat burning qualities none of them serve this primary purpose therefor none of them can be labeled fat loss steroids in a primary sense. Anabolic androgenic steroids largely serve four general primary purposes:
- Increasing Strength
- Increasing Muscle Mass
- Increasing Athletic Performance
- Increasing the “Hardness” of a Physique
Increasing Fat Loss Steroids Abilities
While the primary purpose is not fat loss but a secondary function, additional non-steroidal drugs can greatly benefit and add to this effect. Of those belonging to the hormone class, without question the best hormone we can add as well as the best PED of all to serve this purpose is Human Growth Hormone (HGH.) Not only can HGH greatly increase fat burning but it can further make the steroids we use more effective including their secondary traits.Other commonly used PED’s used in this purpose most largely include Clenbuterol (Clen) and Cytomel (T3.) While neither is a steroidal drug, the former being a bronchial medication and the latter a thyroid medication both can be positive additions to a cutting cycle and increase the amounts of fat lost. While neither of these will change the structure of function of the steroids used, in a sense, due to the mode of actions by each PED being used, including the steroids, by this mode of action when coupled together, our anabolics become stronger fat loss steroids.
How to Stack Fat Loss Steroids
In most cases you will need to build your cycle around testosterone; not only is testosterone an important part of most cycles it is all-around the most efficient and effective steroid known to man. Beyond testosterone there are many additional items we can add that may more or less fall into the fat loss steroids camp. Steroids such as Trenbolone and Stanozolol are always top choices, as can be Equipoise and Anavar. Beyond the steroids, effective fat burners as mentioned above are always a helpful tool in addition; cycles and stacks with these items, in conjunction with solid anabolic androgenic steroids and HGH will prove to be the ultimate fat burning machines.Q: What are the best fat burning steroids?
A: While the primary purpose does not revolve around body fat reduction, Trenbolone is without question the king of fat loss steroids available today. Partially due to its incredible nutrient partitioning capabilities and its androgen binding abilities Trenbolone can greatly increase the rate in-which adipose tissue is reduced. While any form of Trenbolone will generally achieve this purpose, most will find Tren-A or Trenbolone-Acetate to be the most efficient and effective.
Q: Can fat loss steroids be used successfully in a bulking cycle?
A: Absolutely and for good reason; anabolic androgenic steroids are not classified as fat burners and non-fat burners. While they may possess this trait it is often a secondary characteristic. Our example of Trenbolone is a perfect example, as are the steroids Stanozolol and Equipoise. While the first possess the ability of all traits, increasing mass, strength, hardness and fat loss abilities, the latter two possess the same without as much mass increasing properties. However, all three of these steroids can be used successfully in a bulking cycle and should never be labeled as cutters only.
Q: Can Dianabol & Anadrol be used as fat loss steroids?
A: The common belief is that neither Dianabol or Anadrol can be used in a cutting cycle and are only to be used during off-season, bulking or gaining phases; however, the truth is far from this way of thinking. There is no doubt about it, both of these steroids serve the primary purpose of adding muscle mass and both can greatly increase strength but make no mistake, both can be effectively used in a cutting cycle; in most cases this will be applied to competitive bodybuilders. However, the question remains; will they burn fat? While this is not their primary purpose by any means and we will not label either as fat loss steroid both can have a positive effect on body fat reduction. If for no other reason, when we increase our lean tissue we create a field that burns more fat; the more lean mass the greater the fat burning properties available.
Q: What is the most effective and safe fat loss steroid?
A: While fat loss is far from its primary purpose the steroid Anavar can achieve this in a secondary fashion. Not only does Anavar fall into the fat loss steroids category it is by far the safest anabolic androgenic steroid available and is largely free from any of the nasty side-effects commonly associated with steroid use.
Q: Should I avoid testosterone if trying to lean out?
A: This is perhaps the most misunderstood question of all and much of the urban legend surrounding testosterone as it pertains to this topic is nothing short of the worst advice you’ll ever hear. The truth is simple; most all anabolic steroid cycles should include testosterone. Not only is testosterone generally well-tolerated by most who use it, it is further imperative for proper bodily function as well as increasing or maintaining muscle tissue. In an all-around sense, testosterone is the best anabolic androgenic steroid available to any healthy male adult and while the many forms of testosterone are not fat loss steroids in primary function, their primary functions will lead to a leaner physique; much leaner than if it were not used.
The same can be applied to fat loss steroids; while anabolic androgenic steroids do not carry with them the primary purpose of burning fat some will do so in a secondary fashion to a higher degree.
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