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Wednesday 2 January 2013




Anadrol was first developed in the 1960’s by Syntex Pharmaceuticals as means to treat anemia and muscle wasting diseases. As is common with many medications designed for this purpose, Anadrol would soon find a welcomed home in the performance enhancing world. This can easily be seen as this particular anabolic steroid is comprised of the drug Oxymetholone which readily promotes weight gain by increasing appetite and red blood cell count, as well as increasing strength. However, there is an interesting note, too much Anadrol can seriously reduce your appetite and make weight gain very difficult; after all, if you can’t eat you can’t grow.

Anadrol 101:

AnadrolOxymetholone, commonly known as Anadrol due to the first manufactured name of the steroid is derived from Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is a 17-Alpha-Alkylated steroid (17-aa.) The 17-aa alteration simply means the steroid has been chemically altered at the 17th carbon position to allow it to survive ingestion by surviving the first pass through the liver; without the 17-aa alteration the steroid would be destroyed before it ever entered the blood stream. The good news is by this alteration we are able to absorb a usable and powerful anabolic steroid; the bad news is this is toxic to the liver. As most oral steroids are 17-aa the toxic effect can be quite high but as it pertains to Anadrol this effect is more pronounced making it one of the most liver toxic steroids on the market.
Once Anadrol enters the body, which is allowed by its 17-aa form it will become active very quickly and the effects will be dramatically fast. As we understand anabolic androgenic steroids the half-life associated with them largely affects the initial potency; Anadrol has a very short half-life of approximately 8.5 hours making the steroids activity almost instant but with a very short active duration. For this reason many athletes will split their Anadrol dose into two doses per day in order to keep a peak amount of the steroid active in their system around the clock during periods of use. However, one dose per day will be enough to keep an active amount of the steroid functioning in the body, although not at peak levels.

The Benefits of Anadrol:

As a steroid designed to treat weight deficiency and muscle wasting disease this is one of the more prominent bulking steroids we can use for a bulking purpose. While many anabolic steroids can serve both bulking and cutting purposes most have a primary role and Anadrol makes no exception. There is one purpose for Anadrol while on a cutting cycle and we will touch on it as we go but for the majority of steroid users bulking and only bulking will be the only time they use this steroid.
With its immense power, Anadrol is one of the most powerful oral steroids ever made, individuals can see their weight increase by as much as 20-30lbs in a mere few weeks of use as well as see their strength shoot through the roof. Further, as this steroid is almost always used as part of a stack and not alone, due to its low androgen binding characteristics it will allow other steroids you are taking to more aptly fill this role and more or less create a higher level of synergy between the various anabolic androgenic steroids you are taking.

The Side-Effects of Anadrol:

As we have discussed, Anadrol is very taxing on the liver and will raise liver enzymes far beyond optimal levels when consumed. However, with responsible use serious damage is largely avoided as the liver possesses amazing healing properties and will normally return to its original state once use is discontinued; assuming we use responsibly and assuming our liver is healthy to begin with. Even so, liver toxicity is not the only negative downfall of this steroid; there are estrogenic related side-effects. Most steroids that carry these potential side-effects do so by converting to estrogen via the aromatase process but Anadrol as a DHT based steroid does not aromatize. However, although it will not convert, Anadrol has been shown to effect estrogen release in the body in a manner of increasing it and for this reason precaution is advised. Negative effects such as Gynecomastia and high blood pressure can all occur due to this effect as can water retention, which is notorious with this steroid. For this reason, most athletes will supplement their use with an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) such as Arimidex or Letrozol in order to keep the effects at bay; both of these AI’s have been shown to greatly reduce estrogen in the body.

Anadrol & Cutting:

It is easy to see why this steroid is perfect for bulking as its attributes lend to this end and because of these very attributes very few individuals will use Anadrol during a cutting cycle. However, there is an exception and quite a large one in competitive bodybuilding. Many competitive bodybuilders will supplement with Anadrol the last few weeks before a show; by building up a large amount of the steroid in their body over a period of weeks they are able to make greater use of their carb up at the end. Through this process the competitor will possess a much fuller look but again, caution must be applied. An individual who is very sensitive to water retention from this steroid will need to stay away from this process but if ones diet is on point and such sensitivity is not a problem, coupled with a good AI and solid contest cycle a nice full effect can be gained.

Anadrol Cycles & Doses:

Anadrol almost always comes in 50mg tablets and the most common dose is simply 50mg per day. While 50mg per day will prove to be very effective 100mg per day is not uncommon; however, 100mg per day will prove to be the most anyone would ever want to take if they desire to remain in a responsible realm. It should be noted that Anadrol does not carry the same risk to reward ratio most other anabolic steroids do. This risk to reward ratio revolves around the dose and benefits of a particular steroid; meaning, the more you take the greater the results but the more you take the greater the risk of potential side-effects. Anadrol has been shown to really taper down in-terms of benefits once doses start going much past 100mg per day and this negative reaction can start to occur at doses over only 50mg per day in some individuals. What this means is an extremely high dose of Anadrol will typically not yield better results than a lower more optimal dose; the only effect will be a higher level of liver damage.
The majority of Anadrol users will find their use of the steroid do be best suited for bulking cycles but only for part of the cycle for shorter periods of time than the total cycle itself. 4-6 weeks is a good rule of thumb as going past this point will not only cause undue stress to your liver but the benefits of the steroid will start to fall when you extend past the 6 week mark. The most optimal time to use this steroid will be the first 4-6 weeks of the given cycle and most will find Anadrol stacks very well with testosterone of any form with additional Deca-Durabolin for those who are really looking for a punch.

Friday 28 December 2012

Girls Use Steroids To Get ‘Toned’ Look

Expert Says Girls’ Use Of Steroids At All-Time High
TRENTON, N.J.— An alarming number of American girls, some as young as 9, are using bodybuilding steroids—not necessarily to get an edge on the playing field, but to get the toned, sculpted look of models and movie stars, experts say.
Girls are getting their hands on the same dangerous testosterone pills, shots and creams that have created a scandal in major league baseball and other sports. Often, these are the same girls who have eating disorders, according to some research.
“There’s been a substantial increase for girls during the 1990s, and it’s at an all-time high right now,” said Charles Yesalis, a professor of health and human development at Pennsylvania State University.
Lloyd Johnston, a University of Michigan professor who heads an annual government-sponsored survey on risky behavior by young people, said: “Other than pedophilia, this is the most secret behavior I’ve ever encountered.”
Overall, up to about 5 percent of high school girls and 7 percent of middle-school girls admit trying anabolic steroids at least once, with use of rising steadily since 1991, various government and university studies have shown.
Researchers say that most girls are using steroids to get bigger and stronger on the playing field, and they attribute some of the increase in steroid use to girls’ rising participation in sports. But plenty of other girls are using steroids to give themselves a slightly muscular look, they say.
“With young women, you see them using it more as a weight control and body fat reduction” method, said Jeff Hoerger, who runs the staff counseling program at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
In the past couple of years, he has helped two young women using steroids—one an 11th-grader with “an average figure” whose swimmer friend suggested steroids would help with weight loss. “She was just looking for quick results,” Hoerger said.
The sports medicine division at the Oregon Health and Science University found that two-thirds of Oregon high school girls who admitted using steroids were not athletes and that girls who were considering taking steroids had tried other, risky ways to get thin.
“They were more likely to have eating disorders and to abuse diuretics, amphetamines and laxatives,” said Dr. Linn Goldberg, head of the division.
In teenage girls, the side effects from taking male sex hormones can include severe acne, smaller breasts, deeper voice, irregular periods, excess facial and body hair, depression, paranoia and the fits of anger dubbed “roid rage.” Steroids also carry higher risks of heart attack, stroke and some forms of cancer.
Researchers say youngsters generally get illegal anabolic steroids on the black market from relatives or friends, from the local gym and over the Internet. At least one study indicates some parents and coaches supply steroids to teen athletes.
Dr. Eric Small, chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ committee on sports medicine, said adults should gently ask youngsters about possible steroid use.
“Talking about supplements and steroids needs to start in the third grade,” Small said. “If you wait till ninth grade, it’s too late.”

What You Don't Know About Creatine Can Hurt You!

The most likely reson for this is that stomach acid destroys creatine, it has been estimated that as much as 66% of the creatine you take is never absorbed. So, once creatine hits the acid in your stomach, the amount that is getting to your muscles is a lot less then you think you are getting.
The biggest problem with creatine monohydrate has been, to be effective, it must first get into muscle. To do this it must pass through the stomach, enter the bloodstream, and be taken up by the muscle cell.
Many have tryed to get around this problem by taking mega-doses of creatine. They took too much, thinking that if a little bit was good then a lot would be better. These high doses do not translate into higher creatine levels in your muscle. Instead, they may be the very cause of the side effects, including intestinal cramping, diarrhea, increased urination, and dehydration. When these high doses of powder enter the stomach they draw water from the body, causing the intestines to contract.
Next people mixed their creatine with grape juice to try to get better results, but since juice is also acidic it destroys some of the creatine. Companies have attempted to develop new ways to deliver creatine to the body, such as adding sugar, which enters the blood stream faster than any other carbohydrate. Insulin drives creatine from the blood into the muscle. In order to get insulin levels up you must eat some carbohydrates. However, this stimulates stomach acid which destroys the creatine. Plus the super high amounts of sugar used by some companies can add unwanted fat to your waist line.
The problem is that all creatine powders and even liquids must pass through stomach acid and lose most of their potency and lead to unwanted side affects, stomach aches, etc. Plus some of them have as much as 75 grams of sugar per dose, that much sugar can lead to health problems and getting fat.
When creatine supplements were tested after activation with fluid, a disturbing discovery was made. It was found that almost immediately after adding water to creatine monohydrate that the majority of it rapidly converted to the toxic by-product creatinine. This held true no matter how "unique" the formulation was claimed to be, or the purity of the assayed dry creatine content.
In the past, some companies pointed to the virtual lack of creatinine in their powders, calling them "creatinine free". What was not considered is that the tests were conducted with dry creatine monohydrate. Once fluid is introduced, creatinine conversion occurs.
A number of negative side-effects can arise from increased creatinine levels, among them; stomach cramps and bloating, diarrhea, indemia, water retention, dehydration, headaches, liver and kidney problems and creatinine poisoning. These side-effects are caused by the body's internal self-defense mechanism reacting to save itself from the ingested toxins by diluting it with water.
How do you bypass this problem? Kre-Alkalyn® Creatine - Awarded U.S. Patent #6,399,661 for the successful and novel method of keeping creatine monohydrate stable and completely free of toxic conversion. With this new patent process the main problem with all existing creatine supplements, the inability to deliver concentrated amounts of creatine without toxic conversion, was solved. Since Kre-Alkalyn® Buffered Creatine is free of unwanted creatinine conversion following liquid activation, it puts an end to the days of having to saturate your body with huge ten to twenty gram amounts of creatine monohydrate to get the desired strength, endurance and muscle building effects. More concisely, Kre-Alkalyn® allows you to safely consume creatine, to full and most potent effect, with only a fraction of previous dosages.
Introducing The World's Only
100% Absorption Creatine for Maximum Results!
Mixed With Potent Cell Volumizers!
Patented Buffered Creatine
Monohydrate Kre-Alkalyn® PUMPED EXTREME!
Truly Huge Supplements PUMPED EXTREME Kre-Alkalyn® Complex features the patented Kre-Alkalyn® in a pharmaceutical delivery system providing maximum stability and absorption. Creatine Monohydrate has been proven through a decade and more of research to enhance strength, endurance, and subsequent athletic performance. The disadvantage of traditional Creatine Monohydrate is the extremely short term, rapid conversion into the bi-product Creatinine which when exposed to liquid, results in subsequent poor absorption into the bloodstream.

Since the first creatine product was introduced, we have seen many different delivery systems, all of which claim to be the best. All of these methods were established to increase the amount of creatine your body will absorb before the creatine is converted to Creatinine. However, what you are not being told is that you're actually only absorbing 20-30% of the creatine before it is converted to Creatinine. Kre-Alkalyn® PUMPED EXTREME, which is PH buffered for maximum absorption and stability, solves this dilemma.

Available for the first time, Kre-Alkalyn® PUMPED EXTREME offers the athlete a Creatine formula which is 100% stable and will not break down into Creatinine. This allows the Creatine to be absorbed more efficiently into the bloodstream. Kre-Alkalyn® PUMPED EXTREME allows an athlete to take far less product while experiencing even more explosive results.
Pumped Extreme Benefits
     The world's only 100% absorption Creatine Special proprietary blend to enhance effectiveness
     No loading phase
     No water retention or stomach discomfort
     Sugar-Free so it will not make you fat!
     Convenient Capsules Just Take Before You Lift!
     Assists in the Muscle Building Process
     More Intense Lifting because Muscle Tissue is less susceptible to Fatigue
     Increases Strength and Power
     Anti-Catabolic (Helps stop muscle from breaking down)
     Helps Build Lean Muscle Mass
     Helps Increase Stamina & Endurance
     Promotes a better Pump during Workouts
How To Use It
The best way to use Kre-Alkalyn® PUMPED EXTREME is to take it just prior to your workout. It should not cause an upset stomach or any other gastric discomfort associated with ordinary creatine products. It usually takes about ten days of use to see desired results, but you may see a noticeable difference literally overnight.
What Other People Are Saying About It
We let some of our trainees try this product and they all came back very exited. They noticed increases in energy, endurance and strength after taking just one serving. They also reported quicker recovery time, reduced muscle soreness and quicker gains in strength and lean muscle. The immediate absorption allowed them to have super intense workouts anytime they wanted, without one report of negative side effects.